Health care

15 Home Remedies For Dry Cough?

Home Remedies For Dry Cough

Coughing eliminates bothersome and infectious elements in your body, but at the same time, can be very annoying. Finding the best home remedy to cure dry cough, depends on the underlying causes, such as – infections, allergies, and acid reflux.

When you lie down, the mucus in the nose and throat starts accumulating, which does not become the only alternative, while breathing orally. If they do, the mucus begins to dry and will irritate the nerves in the back of the throat and thus leading to uncontrolled coughing.

Instead of spending the night:

  • Awake
  • Feeling tired of waking up with neck and back pain which is unbearable
  • Burns in the throat and the chest

Then you can overcome night cough and sleep, by following these simple home remedies:

  • Sleep inclined – When you are sleeping, the mucus gets collected in the nose, throat and chest. The mucus irritates your throat when you to go bed. So, put some extra pillows under the head while sleeping to lift the mucus and gravity. They will work on their own, which thereby leads to mucus falling.
  • Gargle – One of the simple and cheap ways to relieve irritation and get rid of a cough is by adding a little lemon or honey to hot or warm water. This is a perfect treatment to soften and moisten your throat as it helps your throat to swallow and breathe easily.
  • Take a hot bath – Relaxing for a long day won’t be sufficient, but a steam bath will be helpful to relieve you from congestion of mucus, nose and chest. Inhale slowly for some time and then try to remove excess mucus.
  • Change your bed covers – Due to dust mites and other allergens, present in the bed, you may feel constipated which thereby increases the cough and makes it difficult for you to breathe. This can be really bothering you! Hence, it is very important to change the bed covers at least once a week and wash them to kill bacteria, germs and other fluids that can interfere when you are sleeping.

Drying these bed covers in sunlight is also very essential as it helps to eliminate microorganisms. Also, remember to ventilate your room daily by leaving fresh air for a few minutes that helps get rid of the germs present on the bed covers.

  • Arrange your room – Organize your room to make it the perfect place to sleep and take a rest. Keep everything on your bedside table like wipes, water, or drink that can help calm the cough.
  • Chew candy – This might seem a bit weird but, yes, eating candies that contain eucalyptus or mint, can help relieve throat irritation. Sweets provide instant comfort from annoying cold symptoms, by absorbing them. Sweets help produce more saliva which in turn relieves sore throat so that it becomes easier for you while swallowing as your throat is allowing the mucus to flow freely.
  • Stay hydrated frequently – Always remember to drink plenty of fluids, when your throat is dry to help keep it moist. Staying hydrated calms the cough reflex and thereby hydrates mucous membranes to reduce the sensation of irritation and sore throat.
  • Maintain humidity levels – Try a humidifier as it helps you breathe easy and better. A humidifier prevents your throat from drying out when you are asleep. Keep the humidity levels in the room at 50% so that the surrounding air does not gain more humidity and the room becomes extremely cold. To maintain a good moisture level, it is always recommended to choose the right moisturizer in the room you are sleeping in.
  • Eat dark chocolate – Theobromine, a substance in dark chocolate helps effectively to inhibit cough than common cough syrup. This substance is also found in the tea, which also prevents the cough.
  • Avoid caffeine intake – Make sure that you are staying away from caffeine, as it can make your throat drier and also make you awake all night.
  • Thyme drink – Drink boiled thyme that is by boiling a teaspoon of plant in a glass of water for 5 minutes, and drink the solution before it gets cold.
  • Do eucalyptus inhalations – In a bowl, pour boiling water and add 5 drops of eucalyptus oil to it. Place your face towards the bowl and start inhaling the solution for a few minutes.
  • Chopped onions – Chop some onions and keep them near your bed. This chemical helps relieve bronchial ailments and nasal congestion.
  • Ginger drink – You can also cure dry cough by boiling the ginger root in a glass of water and drinking it.

Hope that these suggestions can help you relieve your dry and itchy throat. If you are looking out for natural and ayurvedic options to help cure your dry cough, then try Smyle Adulsa Tulsi Haldi Ayurvedic Cough Syrup, which is a remedy straight from nature. 

Enriched with 9 powerful ayurvedic herbs and also with a unique concept of gargle and gulp therapy, Smyle cough syrup provides instant relief from dry cough, wet cough, sore throat, cold and congestion. For further details regarding the product, you can go through the link below: