Oral Care

How to Get Rid of Tooth Sensitivity

tooth sensitivity

Have you ever felt cringing in pain when you took a bite of ice cream or when you sipped hot tea or coffee? If your answer is yes, then don’t worry! You are not the only one to have experienced such pain, as this indicates that you are suffering from sensitive teeth.

Sensitive teeth are not a life-threatening issue, but it can be quite irritating for the person who is bearing it. Many people who experience sensitivity in their teeth, pass on their hot or cold drinks to others because those drinks will make their teeth hurt. 

You may be wondering how many days will this feeling of sensitivity remain. Well, for every problem there exists a solution. In this blog, let us discuss the remedies that can help you get relieved from teeth sensitivity. Why wait, then! Let’s move forward.

What is Teeth Sensitivity?

Your teeth become sensitive when the protective sheath called enamel gets damaged and the nerve endings get irritated causing teeth sensitivity. 

What Can Cause Sensitive Teeth? 

Teeth sensitivity can be caused due to various reasons, such as :

  • Fractured teeth
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Exposed tooth root
  • Tooth erosion that is caused by high acidic foods and drinks.

Top Remedies To Relieve Teeth Sensitivity

Whatever may be the reason for your teeth sensitivity, this can be treated. Some herbal and home remedies that can help manage teeth sensitivity and reduce pain are:

Oil pulling with coconut oil – Coconut oil being a natural antibacterial agent, helps reduce the plaque and bacteria present on your teeth, which decreases tooth sensitivity. Follow the below-mentioned guidelines to use coconut oil for pulling:

  • Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and put it in your mouth.
  • Swish the coconut oil inside your mouth for a few minutes.
  • Spit out the coconut oil and then rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • After you have completed rinsing, brush your teeth gently as usual.
  • Remember to do this every morning, before brushing your teeth.

You can also use other oils such as sesame oil for oil pulling. It is advisable to spit out the oil after pulling, as this oil contains a lot of harmful bacteria that are present inside your mouth.

Saltwater rinse: Saltwater improves the pH balance of your mouth which makes it difficult for the harmful bacteria to grow and survive. The brine solution also helps in relieving your teeth sensitivity quickly. You can try this remedy:

  • Mix a half teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water.
  • Rinse your mouth with this brine solution.
  • Spit out the solution and rinse your mouth with regular plain water.
  • Repeat the same process twice a day.

Clove oil – Because of their anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anaesthetic properties, cloves help reduce tooth pain and help fight against oral infections. Just apply a very small amount of clove oil to a cotton swab and place the swab directly on the affected tooth for a few minutes.

Another way of using clove oil to help relieve your tooth sensitivity is by adding 5 to 6 drops of clove oil into a half glass of lukewarm water. Then rinse your mouth with this solution and swish it.

Guava leaves – As stated in Ayurveda, guava leaves help in easing toothaches and also can be used in treating tooth sensitivity.

You just need to chew one or two guava tender leaves for a few minutes and spit. Or, you can also add 4 to 5 guava leaves in one cup of water and boil it for 5 minutes. After bringing it to room temperature, add some salt and you can use this solution as a mouthwash. 

Smyle Herbal Toothpaste – Smyle Herbal Toothpaste, which is being consumed by more than 150 million users worldwide is one of the best herbal toothpaste brands that helps in preventing cavities, tooth decay, gum diseases, and relieves you from toothache, sensitivity, bad breath and other oral-related problems.

Consult your Dentist 

There are many home and herbal remedies to treat your tooth sensitivity. However, professional and permanent solutions are also required. If you are not getting relieved from the pain even after trying home and herbal remedies, you must discuss your problem with your dentist.