Oral Care

How to Whiten Your Teeth

How to Whiten Your Teeth

Changes in the colour of your teeth will happen gradually, and yellow colour is inevitable. As you age:

  • Teeth can look more yellow or darken their colour.
  • Your outer enamel wears away.

Dentin which is present underneath and yellow in colour becomes more visible. Dentin is the second layer of calcified tissue which is present beneath the outside enamel layer.

If you are looking for methods to whiten your teeth, then there are a few alternative methods available that can help whiten your teeth. Before starting with the conventional methods, it is advisable to be careful with at-home whitening methodologies because these can sometimes damage your teeth if not used correctly. You may also wear off too much of your enamel, which can put you at risk for cavities and sensitivity. 

Remedies to Whiten Your Teeth

Let us discuss 7 natural options for getting rid of yellow teeth:

Brushing your teeth – Your first plan of action to whiten your teeth should be to brush your teeth more often and in the right manner. It is especially important to brush your teeth after consuming foods and drinks which may then lead to yellow teeth.

Be careful not to opt for vigorous brushing, as this can make the acids brush away more enamel and might even lead to erosion. Brushing with herbal toothpaste-like Smyle Herbal toothpaste at least twice a day for 2 minutes can help protect your teeth, gums, and eventually whiten your teeth gradually. This toothpaste is 100% vegetarian and is safe for the entire family.

Baking soda & hydrogen peroxide – A paste of this mixture – baking soda and hydrogen peroxide is said to remove:

  • Plaque that is buildup and
  • Bacteria to get rid of stains.

With this paste, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water after brushing.  A 2017 research study on toothpaste with baking soda has concluded that using this paste is safe and effective in removing tooth stains and also in whitening teeth.

(Source: https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0002817717308115)

Coconut oil pulling – Oil pulling using coconut oil is said to remove plaque and bacteria from the mouth, which can also help whiten your teeth. Swish 1 to 2 teaspoons of liquid coconut oil in your mouth for some time, at least for 10-30 minutes and do not swallow. This oil in your mouth contains toxins and bacteria from your mouth. Spit the oil, rinse your mouth with water, drink a glass full of water and then brush your teeth.

Apple cider vinegar – Apple cider vinegar can be used in small amounts to whiten your teeth. You can prepare a mouthwash by mixing 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 6 ounces of water. Just swish the solution for 30 seconds, rinse with water and brush your teeth.

Lemon, banana, orange peels – Some people have claimed that rubbing lemon, banana, or orange peels on your teeth will make them look whiter. It is mainly due to the compound d-limonene and citric acid, which is found in some citrus fruit peels, that can help whiten your teeth.

Gently rub the peel on your teeth for about 2 minutes. Make sure you thoroughly rinse your mouth and brush your teeth afterwards. But it is recommended to be very careful when you are using this strategy because fruit is acidic. The acid can erode and sometimes even wear away your enamel. If you notice that your teeth are becoming more sensitive, then stop using this strategy.

Activated charcoal – Many don’t know, but activated charcoal can be used to remove stains from your teeth. It is believed that charcoal can remove stains and pigments from your teeth because it is highly absorbent in nature. It is also said to help get rid of bacteria and toxins in the mouth.

Open the capsule of activated charcoal and put the contents on your toothbrush. Gently brush for 2 minutes and spit it out. While brushing, be careful around your gums, as charcoal can be abrasive.

While brushing, be careful as charcoal can wear away too much enamel, and more of the yellow dentin part underneath will become exposed.

Eating fruits & vegetables which have high water content – Eating raw fruits and vegetables with a high water content can help keep your teeth healthy. The water content cleanses your teeth and gums of plaque and bacteria that lead to yellow teeth.

Did you know that chewing on crunchy fruits & vegetables at the end of a meal may also enhance saliva production. This process can help remove food particles that are stuck in your teeth and will wash away any harmful acids.

What are the Various Causes of Yellow Teeth?

Many factors can cause your teeth to turn yellow in colour.

  • Drinking certain drinks, such as red wine, blueberries, coffee, or tea
  • Chewing or smoking tobacco
  • Including diet which is high in sugar and simple carbohydrates
  • Genetics
  • Can be due to side effects of certain medications or mouthwashes
  • Due to your age, older adults are more likely to have teeth
  • Mouth trauma
  • Through excessive fluoride consumption
  • Lack of saliva or due to chronic dry mouth
  • Due to poor dental care and oral hygiene

The Bottom Line 

There are many at-home availabilities that you can try to whiten your teeth. However, be extra careful while dealing with these strategies as these can lead to sensitivity and cavities. Hence, the best way to whiten your teeth is to prevent stains before they happen. So, practise good oral hygiene and also consult your dentist regularly.