Health care

Can You Use Hydrogen Peroxide On a Canker Sore?

Can You Use Hydrogen Peroxide On a Canker Sore

Canker sores are one of the most common concerns, experienced by more than half of the global population, in their lifetime. You might have probably heard of many folk remedies to treat canker sores. Some of you might also be doubting whether to use hydrogen peroxide to treat canker sores?

Let us not waste more time and discuss what are canker sores and how to use hydrogen peroxide to treat your canker sores in this write-up!

What are Canker Sores?

Canker sores or mouth ulcers are small, white in colour, and round lesions that appear inside the cheeks, or on top or bottom of the tongue, inside the lips, or on the soft palate. Canker sores can also be referred to as aphthous stomatitis or aphthous ulcers, where you may experience several canker sores throughout your lifetime. A sore usually lasts about 7-10 days, but did you know that it actually takes up to 3 weeks to completely heal, according to the NIH (National Institute of Health). Canker sores appear in the form of ulcers or clusters, or sometimes, they even form like a group of lesions that join to form one big ulcer.

Many people often confuse canker sores with cold sores, but remember that aphthous ulcers are not caused by a virus and are generally not contagious.

Can Hydrogen Peroxide Be Used on Canker Sores?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide can be used on canker sores. As per a review submitted by the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, which advices to mix a solution composed of half hydrogen peroxide and half water to treat canker sores. But special care has to be taken to not swallow the solution.

You just need to dab the solution with a cotton swab and place it on your canker sore and then apply a small amount of milk of magnesia. Repeat this procedure every three-four times a day.

Hydrogen peroxide is basically antiseptic in nature, and hence reduces the number of bacteria that is present around the canker sore and milk of magnesia helps in healing better and faster, as it acts as a pain reliever.

How To Heal Canker Sores In Other Ways?

  • If you are not having hydrogen peroxide, then you can opt for other over-the-counter (OTC) medications that may help ease the discomfort of a mouth ulcer. There are certain remedies such as antiseptics, anti-inflammatory, and topical medications which can numb your mouth.
  • While having a canker sore, it is also advisable to stay away from spicy or hot foods to help heal the pain.
  • You should also continue to brush and floss your teeth twice a day to keep the area around the canker sore clean.

What are the Different Factors That are Held Responsible for Painful Mouth Ulcers?

  • Genetics
  • Stress
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Medication side effects
  • A diet that is deficient in iron and other essential nutrients
  • Mouth injuries caused due to hard-bristled toothbrushes or ill-fitting dentures


Consult your dentist or physician to gain a better understanding of how to prevent canker sores. For example, your dentist can communicate a well-rounded diet and adjust your dentures. If your canker sore is lasting more than two weeks or is interrupting your normal daily activities, then it is recommended to consult your dentist to get a full diagnosis done.

If your mouth ulcer just did not go away, then do not fear! You can heal your canker sore most naturally and efficiently with the help of Smyle Ayurvedic Mouth Ulcer Gel. Formulated with 9 powerful ayurvedic herbs, this gel is the perfect solution to treat a canker sore in the most natural way. This gel is safe for the entire family, including pregnant women and kids. So, why wait? Give it a try now! 

For more details about the product, please go through the link below: